Friday, January 24, 2014

What is a U.V. Clarifier?


What is a U.V. Clarifier?

Do I need a U.V. Clarifier?

If you have a pond without a lot of plants – yes

If you have a lot of fish in your pond- yes

If your pond is in the direct sun – yes

If your pond is always green pea soup – yes

This unit is used to clear green water. An ultraviolet bulb is housed in a stand-alone unit encased in a test tube (quartz tube). Water flows through the unit around the test tube and the ultraviolet light is emitted though the glass. This UV light disrupts the DNA of most invertebrates that pass through the tube (when used as a sterilizer rather than a clarifier) but is mainly aimed at eliminating suspended algae. This form of algae is what makes up green “pea-soup” water.

UV clarifiers are very effective on unbalanced ponds and those with continuous suspended algae problems. They are NOT effective against string algae and blanket  weed  and will only work on the micro-organisms that actually flow through the unit. Do not confuse UV clarifiers with UV sterilizers (used in the aquarium industry).  UV sterilizers kill ALL micro-organisms that pass through it (not just algae). For this to be true in a pond, a much larger and higher wattage UV unit would be needed and very cost-prohibitive.

Aqua Ultraviolet. U.V. clarifier, pond care

Aqua Ultraviolet. U.V. clarifier, pond care


Article: What is a U.V. Clarifier?

Source: Pacific Ponds & Design

Author: Hal Rodman

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What is a U.V. Clarifier?

What is a U.V. Clarifier?

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