Thursday, January 23, 2014

What is the difference between a Koi pond and a water gardens pond?


What is the difference between a Koi pond and a water gardens pond?

I am asked all the time is there a difference between a koi pond and a water garden pond??

Yes, there is a big difference.

A koi pond is a usually deeper and has a much better filtration system.

It is deeper ( 3 feet or more)  to protect the Koi from predators like raccoon’s and herons. Koi will also grow larger in a deeper pond. Most Koi enthusiast also know that there is more room for error if there is a problem with water quality. A Koi pond may have one or a combination of filtrations. Most will have some kind of sand or media filter for a good bacteria bed and ease of cleaning. This may be coupled with a U.V. unit as well as extra air via an aerator. Most “hardcore” Koi ponds will not include aquatic plants. Many feel that pond plants distract from the enjoyment of their finned friends.

simple water garden or backyard pond…

A simple water garden or backyard pond will in most cases be somewhere between 14”-24” in depth. This depth with help to accommodate most pond plants. Water lilies do best in water depth of 18”-24”. Bog plants will need no more than 2 or 3 inches above the top of their pot.  Small koi and goldfish will be very happy in this well balanced environment. Many water gardeners will decide to not include Koi as they are worried that Koi will eat their precious aquatic plants. But we find that if you start Koi and plants together it is rare that they will do any hard to the pond plants. A water garden will be a well-balanced pond with a great amount of pond plants and less fish. It may or may not need to have a filter  but we recommend at least a pump to add extra air the pond. Usually if you have 65-75% of plant coverage you will not have too much problem algae.

It is important when talking to your pond builder that you know the difference between a Koi pond and a water garden. Most importantly that your pond contractor does too.


pond building, pond design, koi ponds

pond building, pond design, koi ponds

Article: What is the difference between a Koi pond and a water gardens pond?

Source: Pacific Ponds & Design

Author: Hal Rodman

What is the difference between a Koi pond and a water gardens pond?

What is the difference between a Koi pond and a water gardens pond?

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